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gussy (informal) to dress in one's best clothes, or to dress in an exaggeratedly showy manner (usu. fol. by "up"). [1/2 definitions]
habit clothes worn for a specific function or role. [1/5 definitions]
hall tree a clothes tree, esp. one standing in an entrance hall.
hanger a frame with a hook at the top, usu. made of wire, wood, or plastic, and shaped so that one may hang clothes over it for storage. [1/3 definitions]
hang out to hang (clothes) from a clothesline to dry. [1/6 definitions]
hook and eye a clothes-fastening device having a small metal hook, on one side of the opening, that attaches to a loop or small bar on the other side.
iron a heavy appliance with a flat surface that is heated to press wrinkles out of clothes, linens, and the like. [1/16 definitions]
ironing the act or activity of pressing clothes with a hot iron. [1/2 definitions]
kersey a coarse, heavy, often ribbed woolen fabric, formerly used for hosiery and work clothes. [1/2 definitions]
khaki a stout, twilled cloth of this color, used for military uniforms, work clothes, and the like. [1/5 definitions]
laundryman a man who works in or for a laundry, esp. one who picks up and delivers clothes.
laundry room a room in a home or institution where clothes and linens are washed and usually dried.
laundrywoman a woman who works in or for a laundry, esp. one who picks up and delivers clothes.
layette a complete outfit of clothes and personal care items for a newborn infant.
locker room a room containing lockers for storing clothes and equipment and often used for changing clothes, as at a gymnasium or pool.
makeover changes made to one's appearance, by means of cosmetics, hairstyling, new clothes, and the like, that lend one an improved appearance or new image. [1/2 definitions]
modiste one who designs, makes, or deals in fashionable or stylish clothes, esp. women's dresses and hats.
morning dress formal daytime clothes for men, including a cutaway coat.
moth the clothes moth, which lays its eggs in fur or cloth, esp. wool, on which its growing larvae feed. [1/2 definitions]
mothball a small hard ball of an insect-repellent chemical such as camphor or naphthalene, used to keep moths out of clothes. [1/2 definitions]
nude not wearing clothes; naked. [1/5 definitions]