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Dictionary Suite
clubhouse a building or room owned by a club and used for meetings and other events.
clubman a man who is a member of a club at which he spends much time or in which he is quite active.
commodore a title of courtesy given to the senior captain of a merchant fleet or to the president of a yacht club. [1/2 definitions]
country club a suburban social club with a clubhouse and facilities for sports such as swimming, golf, and tennis.
courtesy card a card that identifies the bearer and entitles him or her to certain privileges, as at a store, bank, hotel, or club.
cudgel a short heavy club, usu. used as a weapon. [1/2 definitions]
Delmonico steak (sometimes l.c.) a beefsteak cut from the forward end of the short loin; club steak.
divot a piece of turf torn up by a golf club in making a stroke.
downswing a swing in a downward direction, as of a golf club. [1/2 definitions]
drub to beat, as with a stick or club. [2/3 definitions]
fan club an organization of fans of a particular entertainer, sports team, or other famous entity. Members of a fan club are primarily linked by mail or e-mail.
follow-through the final part of a stroke, kick, throw, or swing, as of a golf club after the ball has been hit. [1/2 definitions]
gentlemen's agreement such an agreement by a social clique, private club, or the like to discriminate against members of certain minority groups. [1/2 definitions]
halter2 either of a pair of club-shaped appendages that form rudimentary hind wings on an insect, such as the fly or mosquito, and serve to maintain its balance in flight.
health club a private club offering a variety of facilities, equipment, and instruction for physical exercise and fitness to a paid membership.
Indian club a wood or metal club with a long neck, like a bottle, used for hand and arm exercises.
initiate to admit as a member of a club or society by performing a formal ceremony or ritual. [1/4 definitions]
initiation a set of ceremonies or rituals used to formally initiate someone into a club or society. [1/2 definitions]
interclub combined form of club.
join to become a member of a group, such as a club or association. [1/8 definitions]
leading light an influential or guiding member, as of a community, club, or the like.