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Dictionary Suite
fiduciary of, pertaining to, or consisting of money that is not convertible into coin or specie but derives its value from public confidence or government decree; of or concerning fiat money. [1/3 definitions]
florin a coin formerly minted in England worth two shillings or one tenth of a pound. [1/3 definitions]
groat a silver coin formerly minted in England worth four pence.
groschen a German nickel coin worth ten pfennigs. [1/3 definitions]
guinea a gold coin formerly minted in England worth twenty-one shillings or 105 pence. [1/3 definitions]
half dollar a coin of the United States and Canada worth fifty cents.
halfpenny a bronze coin of the United Kingdom worth one half of a new penny. [2/4 definitions]
head the principal side of a coin. (Cf. tail.) [1/20 definitions]
imperial3 a gold coin formerly minted in Russia worth ten, and later fifteen, rubles.
inconvertible not capable of being exchanged for coin, as paper currency.
in specie in coin. [1/2 definitions]
jukebox a coin-operated phonograph containing a variety of records that play automatically when selected by push buttons.
krone2 a gold coin formerly minted in Germany worth ten marks. [2 definitions]
laundrette (chiefly British) a commercial laundry facility having coin-operated washers and dryers.
Laundromat trademark for a commercial laundry facility having coin-operated washers and dryers. [1/2 definitions]
legend the inscription on a coin, medal, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
libra2 a former gold coin of Peru.
louis d'or a gold coin minted in pre-Revolutionary France; louis. [2 definitions]
mill1 to make a raised edge on or make transverse grooves in (a coin or other metal). [1/9 definitions]
milling the ridged edge of a coin. [1/3 definitions]
mint2 to specially invent or coin. [1/5 definitions]