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collect to accumulate and make a collection of. [1/8 definitions]
collector a person who gathers a collection of objects such as stamps, coins, or art works. [1/3 definitions]
completist a person, such as a stamp collector, who strives for a complete collection of samples of every kind in a particular category or group.
congeries (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a collection of various things or ideas.
corpus a collection of all the written works on a particular subject, by a particular author, or of a particular kind. [1/4 definitions]
crop any group or collection, as of people, products, or ideas, that appears within a short time. [1/12 definitions]
cull to sort out or select from a large collection or quantity. [1/5 definitions]
curia (often cap.) the collection of officials who direct the overall government of the Roman Catholic Church; papal court. [1/2 definitions]
database a large collection of information arranged for quick retrieval, updating, or the like, esp. such a collection in a computer.
data set a collection of data records to be analyzed.
dew a collection of droplets resembling dew. [1/3 definitions]
digest a collection of literary works, scientific abstracts, news items, or the like, esp. in an abridged form. [1/8 definitions]
documentation the collection and organization of documentary material, as for future use. [1/3 definitions]
drum set a collection of percussion instruments arranged for convenient playing by a drummer; drum kit.
Edda either of two early Icelandic literary works, one a collection of religious and mythological poems, and the other a summary of Norse mythology and a manual on poetry.
editor a person who manages the editing of a magazine or newspaper, or of a collection of works published in a book. [1/4 definitions]
email a written message or collection of messages sent from one computer to another by this means; electronic mail. [1/4 definitions]
ensemble a whole viewed as a collection of its parts. [1/4 definitions]
ephemeris a table or a collection of tables giving the projected positions of celestial bodies for every day of a certain period.
exhibit a collection of things that are on display for many people to view, or a particular object that is submitted for viewing. [1/8 definitions]
federation a government or collection of organizations formed through the process of uniting. [1/2 definitions]