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chloral an oily, colorless liquid, used in making chloral hydrate and DDT. [1/2 definitions]
chloral hydrate a colorless crystalline compound used mainly as a hypnotic or sedative agent.
chlordane a colorless, toxic liquid hydrocarbon used as an insecticide.
chlorobenzene a colorless flammable liquid widely used in solvents and in organic synthesizing.
CO2 abbreviation of "carbon dioxide," a colorless, odorless, incombustible gas that is produced naturally in breathing, combustion, and decomposition, and commercially for use in dry ice, fire extinguishers, and carbonated beverages.
crème de menthe a sweet, mint-flavored liqueur, usu. green or colorless.
creosol a colorless or yellowish oily liquid, derived from beechwood tar, used as an antiseptic and found in creosote.
cyanic acid a colorless, poisonous, volatile acid with a pronounced odor of almonds.
DMSO a colorless nontoxic liquid that penetrates the skin rapidly, used as a solvent and sometimes a medicine; dimethyl sulfoxide.
eau de vie water of life (French); brandy, esp. a colorless distillation of a fruit other than the grape.
ethane a colorless, odorless gas found in natural gas and used as a fuel or refrigerant.
ethyl acetate a colorless flammable volatile liquid made from ethyl alcohol and acetic acid that has a fruity aroma and is used in the making of perfumes and other products and as a solvent.
ethyl alcohol a colorless, quickly evaporating, flammable liquid, used in medicine and industry, and occurring in intoxicating beverages; alcohol.
ethylene a colorless, flammable organic gas used in coloring citrus fruit, making organic synthetics, and anesthesia.
ethylene glycol a colorless sticky liquid, used esp. as an antifreeze.
flavone a colorless, sometimes crystalline compound, found in plants or produced synthetically, from which a number of derivatives are obtained that are used in yellow dyes. [1/2 definitions]
formaldehyde a colorless, water-soluble gas of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, with a strong, irritating odor, used in the manufacture of various resins, dyes, and plastics and as a disinfectant and embalming agent.
formic acid a colorless, caustic organic acid, naturally emitted by ants, nettles, spiders, and the like as a stinging defense, and synthetically produced for use in a variety of industrial processes.
fusel oil a colorless poisonous liquid made of amyl alcohols, used as a solvent for fats, oils, and waxes, and in the manufacture of explosives.
gastric juice a colorless liquid, containing hydrochloric acid and enzymes, that is secreted by glands in the lining of the stomach; digestive fluid.
glycerin a sweet colorless or yellowish syrupy alcohol; glycerol.