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madder2 comparative of "mad."
Mohs scale a scale that designates the comparative hardness of minerals.
money any article that is used to represent comparative values and is exchangeable for goods and services; medium of trade. [1/4 definitions]
more comparative of "many" and "much." [2/9 definitions]
no1 not at all; in no respect (used with the comparative). [1/7 definitions]
older comparative of "old." [1/2 definitions]
proportion the comparative relationship between different things or quantities; ratio. [1/6 definitions]
proportional comparative to other related parts or quantities; relative. [1/3 definitions]
Sanskrit an ancient Indic language that is the classic literary language of India and an important basis for the development of comparative Indo-European linguistics.
second wind the return of comparative ease in breathing, following a brief period of exhaustion, that often occurs during a physically demanding activity such as running. [1/2 definitions]
shier a comparative of "shy1."
slier a comparative of "sly."
sprier a comparative of "spry."
tanner2 comparative of "tan."
the2 used in comparative statements to show relative degree. [1/3 definitions]
thinner2 comparative of "thin."
worse comparative of "bad" and "ill." [2/7 definitions]
wrier a comparative of "wry."
younger comparative of "young." [1/2 definitions]