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orientation location or positioning, or a particular positioning, with respect to the points of the compass. [1/5 definitions]
orienteering a cross-country race in which competitors follow a course in unfamiliar territory by using a map and compass.
point one of the thirty-two directions as marked on a compass. [1/18 definitions]
pointer a hand or needle on a measuring device such as a watch, compass, or other dial. [1/5 definitions]
rhumb any of the thirty-two points on a ship's compass. [1/2 definitions]
rhumb line the curved line on the surface of a sphere, indicating the path of a ship or plane that maintains a fixed compass direction, which crosses all meridians on a globe or map at the same angle.
rosinweed any of several related, composite, North American plants that have a resinous sap, sticky exterior, and strong aroma, such as the compass plant or the gum plant.
south one of the four major points of direction on the compass, ninety degrees clockwise from east. [1/6 definitions]
southeast a point on the compass halfway between south and east. [1/4 definitions]
south-southeast a point on the compass halfway between south and southeast. [1/2 definitions]
south-southwest a point on the compass halfway between south and southwest. [1/2 definitions]
southwest a point on the compass halfway between south and west. [1/6 definitions]
SSE abbreviation of "south-southeast," a point on the compass halfway between south and southeast.
SSW abbreviation of "south-southwest," a point on the compass halfway between south and southwest.
vector the compass heading of an aircraft; bearing or course. [1/3 definitions]
west one of the four major points of direction on the compass, ninety degrees clockwise from south. [1/8 definitions]
west-northwest a point on the compass halfway between west and northwest. [1/2 definitions]
west-southwest a point on the compass halfway between west and southwest. [1/2 definitions]
wind1 a point of the compass or the wind coming from such a point. [1/14 definitions]