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condominium an apartment complex in which each apartment is privately owned, or such an apartment itself. [1/2 definitions]
convoluted complex; intricate. [1/2 definitions]
coordination the functioning of different muscles together to execute a complex movement. [1/2 definitions]
coordinator one that coordinates, esp. a person who organizes a complex event or project that involves the contributions of other people.
cowboy (informal) a man who is arrogantly or foolishly heedless of danger, as in difficult or complex situations, and who enjoys demonstrating his masculinity. [1/3 definitions]
debug (informal) to eliminate errors or malfunctioning parts in, esp. computer programs and computers or other complex electronic systems. [1/3 definitions]
diphthong a complex sound produced by moving from one vowel sound to another within a single syllable. [1/2 definitions]
dissociate in chemistry, to cause (a complex substance) to decompose into its simpler constituents by varying the physical conditions. [2/5 definitions]
edifice an abstract structure or system that has developed in a complex manner. [1/2 definitions]
entangle to involve, as in a difficult, complex, or unpleasant situation. [2/3 definitions]
evolution a gradual process of change and development that something goes through, usu. becoming more complex and sometimes better. [1/3 definitions]
evolve to develop or change into a more complex state. [1/5 definitions]
evolved having undergone a gradual process of change and development, esp. toward a more complex, advanced, or enlightened state.
folacin a compound found in leafy green vegetables, essential in human nutrition for the production of blood cells, amino acids, and nucleic acids, and considered to be part of the vitamin B complex.
Forbidden City a vast, walled complex of buildings in Beijing, China, formerly the Imperial Palace (1491-1911), now open to the public as the Palace Museum.
generalship leadership or direction of a complex enterprise, esp. as manifested in skill at strategy. [1/2 definitions]
halftone a technique for printing shading in which an image, such as a photograph or cartoon, is transformed into a complex of tiny dots by photographing it through a fine screen and transferring this dot image to the printing plate. [1/4 definitions]
Himeji Castle a complex of buildings, with towers and multi-layered roofs, built around 1600 on Mt. Hime in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
industrial revolution (often cap.) a complex of economic and social changes caused by the shift of production from hand or physical labor at home or in small workshops to mechanized systems in large factories, as in the weaving of textiles, esp. in England in the eighteenth century.
inositol a hydrocarbon alcohol essential for metabolism, sometimes considered a vitamin of the vitamin B complex and found in most animal and vegetable foods.
integrated circuit a complete electronic circuit, comprising circuit elements in a complex interconnection, imprinted or etched on a tiny chip of semiconductor material.