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octet a musical composition for eight instruments or voices. [1/3 definitions]
ode in classical poetry, a composition to be sung by a chorus. [1/2 definitions]
opus a work of fine or literary art, esp. a musical composition numbered to indicate its chronological place in the composer's works.
oratorio a musical composition for voices and orchestra without costumes or scenery, usu. dramatizing a biblical subject.
overture in music, a composition of a form and length suitable for introducing a longer work. [1/4 definitions]
paragraph in a written article, composition, speech, or the like, a distinct section composed of one or more sentences that is related to the main point but that expresses an idea in itself and begins on a new line, usually indented. [1/3 definitions]
paramorphism change in the structure of a mineral without any change in its chemical composition.
pharmacology the scientific study of the composition, use, and effects of drugs and medicines.
phenotype the observable traits of an individual or group, esp. as a function of genetic composition and environment. (Cf. genotype.) [1/2 definitions]
photomontage the technique of making a photographic composition by combining parts or elements of more than one photograph, often with the addition of other graphic material. [2 definitions]
pibroch a composition for the bagpipe that consists of a dirgelike or martial theme with variations.
play a composition written for the stage; drama. [1/22 definitions]
polyphony a musical composition with two or more voices; counterpoint.
prelude in music, an introductory piece or movement such as an overture, or a short, independent instrumental composition in a free form like an impromptu or improvisation. [1/6 definitions]
quodlibet a humorous musical composition consisting of two or more melodies or texts. [1/2 definitions]
rag3 a composition of ragtime music.
rehearse to practice (a speech, play, musical composition, or the like) in order to make perfect for presentation. [1/4 definitions]
rhapsody a musical composition having an irregular form suggesting improvisation. [1/2 definitions]
rhyolite a fine-grained, volcanic rock that is similar to granite in composition and has a high silica content.
royalty a percentage of proceeds paid to the owner of productive real property, such land for mining or oil drilling, or to the author of a book, musical composition, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
schlieren streaks or masses of igneous rock that differ in texture or composition from the surrounding matrix and blend gradually into it. [1/2 definitions]