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computer-enhanced of, involving, or pertaining to the use of a computer to improve an image, video, design, or process.
computerese the specialized vocabulary used in computer technology; computer jargon.
computer graphics images produced with computer technology, or the technology itself. [2 definitions]
computerize to process or store (information) in an electronic computer. [3/4 definitions]
computer lab a room providing access to numerous computers, typically found in a school, library, government institution, or private company. Use of a computer lab is free in public institutions and also in private institutions when one has authorization.
computer language a system of words and symbols used to program a computer; code.
computerless combined form of computer.
computer worm a computer program that can propagate, by itself, from host to host, often causing loss of memory space and sometimes minor harm to a system.
configuration a particular arrangement of the several elements of a computer set-up. [1/6 definitions]
CPU abbreviation of "central processing unit," (in computing) the part of a computer that interprets program commands and executes its instructions.
crash1 in computing, to fail suddenly and completely, as a software program, operating system, or component of computer hardware. [1/17 definitions]
CRT abbreviation of "cathode-ray tube," a vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is accelerated and focused in a beam that produces lighted traces on a screen at one end of the tube, used in television sets, computer monitors, and the like.
crunch numbers in computer work, to perform a large number of calculations or manipulations of numerical data, or to process a large amount of data.
cursor a movable marker on a computer screen that indicates the point that will be affected by input from the user.
cyberterrorism damage to or disruption of computer systems by terrorists, or the use of computer systems in terrorist activities.
database a large collection of information arranged for quick retrieval, updating, or the like, esp. such a collection in a computer.
data processor a person who compiles data or enters data into a computer for processing. [2 definitions]
debug (informal) to eliminate errors or malfunctioning parts in, esp. computer programs and computers or other complex electronic systems. [1/3 definitions]
desktop of or relating to the computer-generated design, writing, editing, and preparation of written material for printing. [1/4 definitions]
dialog box a window generated by a computer program that appears on the screen to ask for information from the person using the computer.
dial-up related to or being a form of internet access that uses a telephone line to connect a computer to an internet service provider.