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incident happening in connection with something else. [1/4 definitions]
incidental happening or likely to happen concurrently or in connection with something else but as a subordinate or less important element. [1/4 definitions]
incoherent lacking logical order or connection. [1/2 definitions]
information knowledge or facts obtained or obtainable through communication with others in connection with a specific situation or event. [1/4 definitions]
internet one's internet connection, or a service that allows one to access the internet. [1/2 definitions]
involve to bring into connection or concern with. [1/6 definitions]
isolated occurring in different places and at different times without any strong connection or pattern. [1/3 definitions]
isthmus a similar connection between bodily parts, organs, or cavities. [1/2 definitions]
join to form a connection; be in contact. [1/8 definitions]
junction something acting to join other things together; connection. [1/5 definitions]
liaison a close relationship, communication, or connection. [1/3 definitions]
link any bond or connection. [2/7 definitions]
mentally with respect to or in connection with the mind; intellectually. [1/2 definitions]
mouthpiece a part or extension of any apparatus, used in connection with the mouth, to transmit air, speech, sound, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
nationality the connection between a nation and some property. [1/4 definitions]
nexus a connection or link between individuals of a series or group. [1/2 definitions]
nonconnection combined form of connection.
nutritional relating to health in connection with what food substances are consumed. [1/3 definitions]
perquisite a privilege expected or demanded in connection with a certain rank or status. [1/2 definitions]
politically in connection with or pertaining to politics, the practice of governing or the seeking of positions in government.
prandial of or in connection with a meal.