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figure on to take (something) into consideration; expect; plan for.
frivolous unworthy of serious consideration or merit; trivial or silly. [1/2 definitions]
front burner (informal) the state of top priority or principal consideration (usu. prec. by "on the").
given in view of; considering; in consideration of. [1/6 definitions]
glance a brief consideration or reference. [1/6 definitions]
graceless marked by lack of grace or appropriateness, or lack of consideration for the feelings of others.
HB abbreviation of "House Bill," in the U.S., a proposed law in consideration by the House of Representatives.
heed careful notice; attention with consideration. [1/3 definitions]
hill of beans (informal) something insignificant or barely worth consideration (used in negative constructions).
Hon. abbreviation of "Honorable," a title of respect and consideration.
honorable deserving of respect or consideration. [1/2 definitions]
ill-considered done without due consideration; imprudent or unwise.
inconsiderate lacking in thoughtfulness or consideration for others.
insignificant so small as to be not worthy of consideration; negligible. [1/3 definitions]
instant under present consideration. [1/7 definitions]
irrespective of without consideration for; regardless of.
keynote speech an opening speech, as at a political convention, that outlines the main policies and issues under consideration; keynote address.
kick around (informal) to exist but not be used, exploited, or given much consideration. [1/3 definitions]
lay1 to put forward for consideration. [1/16 definitions]
lend to give (money) temporarily, usu. in consideration of payment of interest. [1/4 definitions]
lightly easily, mindlessly, or without due consideration. [1/4 definitions]