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lightly easily, mindlessly, or without due consideration. [1/4 definitions]
offer to put forward for discussion or consideration; suggest. [1/14 definitions]
offhand unthinkingly, or without serious consideration, advance preparation, or precise calculation. [1/3 definitions]
on the shelf inactive or unused; put aside; reserved for future use or consideration.
out of the question not worthy of consideration; unthinkable; impossible.
pause a momentary hesitation that emphasizes what one has just said, or that reflects consideration of what one has just heard. [1/4 definitions]
plan to have in mind as an aim or intention, usually after giving the idea a certain amount of thought and consideration. [1/7 definitions]
point an idea or argument put forth for consideration. [1/18 definitions]
present2 to put forward for consideration by others. [2/7 definitions]
previous question in parliamentary procedure, a motion to take an immediate vote on the topic under consideration, used esp. as a way of stopping debate.
propose to present for consideration or adoption; suggest. [1/4 definitions]
propound to propose or set forth for consideration.
put to propose for consideration (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/12 definitions]
railroad (informal) to press or force through without due consideration. [1/5 definitions]
raise to put forward for consideration. [1/15 definitions]
real1 worthy of serious consideration. [1/6 definitions]
refer to give over for consideration. [1/5 definitions]
regardful showing consideration or respect. [1/2 definitions]
relevant of current significance or importance; requiring or deserving consideration. [1/2 definitions]
remand in law, to send (a case) back to a lower court for further consideration. [1/6 definitions]
render to present for payment or consideration. [1/7 definitions]