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aspect the point of view from which something is seen or considered, or the manner in which something is considered. [1/5 definitions]
asphalt jungle any large city, esp. when considered as the noisy, crowded arena of a struggle for survival.
atom an invisible component of any element, consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons, once considered the smallest possible unit of matter. [1/2 definitions]
babe (slang; often considered offensive) a young woman, esp. an attractive one. [1/4 definitions]
Babylon any city considered to typify extravagance and wickedness. [1/2 definitions]
batch a quantity of something or a number of like items handled or considered as a group or whole. [1/2 definitions]
becoming any change, considered as a process. [1/4 definitions]
belle a popular and admired woman, usu. young and often considered the most outstanding beauty at a social event or in a social circle.
Benjamin Franklin U.S. statesman, inventor, diplomat, postmaster, scientist, and author, considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America (b. 1706--d. 1790).
Bethlehem a hill town north of Jerusalem in Israeli-occupied Jordan, traditionally considered the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
Bible any collection of writings considered sacred to a religion other than Christianity or Judaism. [2/3 definitions]
bidding bids considered collectively. [1/2 definitions]
bill1 a proposed law to be considered by a legislative body. [1/7 definitions]
bimbo (slang) a woman, esp. one considered to be stupid, silly, or sexually promiscuous.
biotin a compound considered part of the vitamin B complex, found in milk, egg yolks, and yeast.
black (usu. pl. and cap.; in singular, considered offensive) a person who has ancestors of African descent and typically has dark skin, eyes, and hair. [1/13 definitions]
black and white print or writing considered as documentary evidence or binding proof. [1/2 definitions]
blasphemy disrespect or irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable, esp. God.
bleeding heart one whose sympathies are considered to be too easily aroused or too ostentatiously displayed on behalf of people who are disadvantaged and suffering. [1/2 definitions]
blue chip any thing or person considered to be of great value. [1/3 definitions]
bowdlerize to omit or modify parts of (a book, play, or the like) that are considered immoral or indecent.