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huh used to express surprise, astonishment, skepticism, contempt, or indifference. [1/3 definitions]
look down one's nose at to regard with disdain or contempt.
louse (informal) one who deserves contempt. [1/3 definitions]
miserable worthy of contempt; shameful. [1/5 definitions]
misprision in law, an act of contempt against the government or courts. [1/3 definitions]
mock to express scorn or contempt for; ridicule; deride. [2/10 definitions]
mockery contempt, derision, or ridicule, or an instance of this. [1/4 definitions]
opprobrium scorn, disdain, or contempt. [1/3 definitions]
pelf money or wealth, usu. regarded with disapproval or contempt.
phooey used to express rejection, contempt, or disgust.
pitiable worthy of or inspiring contempt or disdain; wretched; pitiful. [1/2 definitions]
racism contempt for or distrust of members of a different race based on generalized, preconceived notions regarding their character or abilities. [1/3 definitions]
racist characterized by contempt for or distrust of members of another race based on generalized, preconceived notions of their character or abilities. [1/7 definitions]
scorn undisguised contempt; derision. [2/5 definitions]
self-contempt combined form of contempt.
slight an act of contempt or discourtesy, usu. intended to hurt. [1/8 definitions]
sneer to express scorn or lack of respect; show contempt. [3/5 definitions]
sniff to express contempt or lack of approval or respect (usu. fol. by at). [1/7 definitions]
sniffy disposed to sniff, as in contempt or arrogance; disdainful.
snort to utter a sudden, harsh sound to express annoyance, scorn, contempt, or the like. [1/8 definitions]
snub to ignore, esp. as a means of showing dissatisfaction, dislike, or contempt. [1/3 definitions]