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humor to conform to the wishes or mood of, esp. despite one's own feelings or beliefs to the contrary; go along with. [1/5 definitions]
illegal contrary to law, rules, or the like; unlawful. [1/2 definitions]
illogical not logical; contrary to reason or the rules of logic.
ironically contrary to what seemed likely at first or to what one would naturally predict. [1/2 definitions]
keep up appearances to present a good image of one's situation despite contrary facts.
opposite a person or thing that faces or is contrary to another. [1/7 definitions]
put the cart before the horse to do or place things contrary to their logical order.
rather on the contrary. [1/4 definitions]
repugnant in direct opposition; contrary. [1/2 definitions]
reverse contrary. [2/15 definitions]
un-American considered to be contrary to the standards, ideals, and principles of the United States.
unjust contrary to the principles of fairness or justice.
unnatural contrary to or violating natural laws or processes. [2/4 definitions]
untruthful contrary to fact; not true; false. [1/2 definitions]
up in a contrary direction to; against. [1/34 definitions]
wrongheaded contrary to sound judgment. [1/2 definitions]
yes but on the contrary (used to express strong contradiction of a negative statement). [1/6 definitions]