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Dictionary Suite
cockpit an enclosed area from which the pilot and crew control an airplane. [1/3 definitions]
collected in control; self-possessed; calm. [1/2 definitions]
collectivism the doctrine or practice of centralized economic control, esp. of the means of production. [1/3 definitions]
collectivization the act or process of organizing or reorganizing an economy, business, or industry based on collective ownership and joint control of the means of production and distribution.
collectivize to organize or reorganize (an economy, business, or industry) based on collective ownership and control of the means of production and distribution.
colonialism the policy or practices of a nation extending or maintaining control over previously independent territories.
command to lead and control. [4/12 definitions]
communize to make (property) subject to public or community ownership or control. [1/2 definitions]
conduct to comport or keep control of (oneself). [1/10 definitions]
conservative (cap.) of or relating to the U.S. or British political party favoring private enterprise and opposing government control. (Cf. Liberal.) [1/7 definitions]
continence ability to control the release of one's urine and feces. [1/2 definitions]
contraception the prevention of conception; birth control.
control the power or authority to control someone or something. [1/9 definitions]
control rod a rod or bar in a nuclear reactor that contains a neutron-absorbing material, and that is lowered into or raised from the core to control the fission chain reaction.
cool (informal) fashionably aloof or in control. [1/15 definitions]
corner to obtain control of. [1/10 definitions]
crack to collapse or lose control under pressure. [1/15 definitions]
cruise control a control mechanism in automobiles which keeps the vehicle traveling at a steady speed that is set by the driver.
curling a game played on ice in which two teams, of four players each, slide a stone or other heavy object toward a circle at either end of the ice, the players being permitted to clean the path of the stone to control its speed and direction.
custody the legal right to control and take care of something or someone. [2/3 definitions]
cybernation the use of computers to control and operate equipment, as in manufacturing.