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gasify to convert into or become a gas.
ghettoize to convert or make into a ghetto. [1/2 definitions]
Islamize to convert to, or come to bring into conformity with, Islam.
liquidate to convert to cash, or establish a cash value for. [1/5 definitions]
Marrano any of the Jews who were forced to convert to Christianity during the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal, but who often remained secret adherents of Judaism.
missionary a person, usually a member of a church or religious order, who is sent to a foreign country to convert the people to his or her religion, or to teach in or establish schools, or to serve as medical personnel in clinics or hospitals. [2/3 definitions]
nebulize to convert (liquid) to a fine spray.
neophyte a new convert to a religion, esp. among early Christians. [1/3 definitions]
nitrogen fixation any of various processes to convert atmospheric nitrogen into compounds with other elements, either naturally, as by bacteria, in leguminous plants or the soil, or chemically for industrial use, fertilizers, and the like.
novelize to convert into the form of a novel, as a film.
Paul an early convert to Christianity, the apostle of the Gentiles, and the author of the Acts of the Apostles and several of the Epistles in the New Testament.
proselyte one who has newly become an adherent of a creed, doctrine, or the like, esp. of a religion; convert. [1/2 definitions]
proselytize to convert or try actively to convert (others) to one's own beliefs or religion.
receive to convert incoming electromagnetic waves into signals that are visible or audible. [1/10 definitions]
rectify to convert (alternating electrical current) into direct current. [1/4 definitions]
redeem to convert (a coupon or securities) into cash or goods. [1/7 definitions]
Romanize to make into a Roman Catholic; convert. [1/4 definitions]
solar panel a set of connected photovoltaic cells, used esp. on a rooftop to convert sunlight into energy that can be used within a building.
sublimate to convert (a solid or a gas) into a gas or a solid without liquefying; sublime. [2/4 definitions]
sublime to convert a solid to a gas, or vice versa, without liquefying; sublimate. [1/5 definitions]
tan to convert (animal skin) into leather by soaking in a tanning solution. [1/8 definitions]