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Dictionary Suite
plage an area of cool or heated gas on the surface of the sun that appears as a dark or light patch on an image produced by a spectroheliograph.
precool combined form of cool.
refrigerate to make cold or cool, esp. to preserve.
sang-froid cool composure; calmness.
springhouse a small structure over a spring or stream, used for keeping milk, butter, and the like cool.
suffocate to be smothered, stifled, suppressed, or deprived of cool fresh air. [1/6 definitions]
supercool to cool (a liquid) to a temperature below freezing without solidifying or crystallizing it.
tektite any of numerous small, roundish pieces of natural glass found in various parts of the world and believed to have originated from meteorite impacts when melted terrestrial rocks get ejected into the air and then quickly cool.
ultracool combined form of cool.
white cedar the American arbor vitae, which grows in cool areas of the northeastern United States and has soft, brittle, durable wood. [1/3 definitions]