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bestrew to scatter over or cover; strew. [1/2 definitions]
bind to wrap or cover, as a wound. [2/13 definitions]
binder a large, sturdy notebook cover that contains a device for holding loose papers. [1/4 definitions]
binding a cover securing papers or pages of a book. [1/6 definitions]
blackjack a short club with a leather cover, heavy head, and flexible handle, used as a weapon. [1/6 definitions]
blanket to cover, as with a blanket. [1/5 definitions]
blind a cover or mask for true purpose or action; something that obscures. [1/12 definitions]
blindfold to cover the eyes with a strip of cloth or bandage. [1/4 definitions]
bloody to cover or smear with blood. [1/4 definitions]
blot to cover or make dim; obscure (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/8 definitions]
blue book an official U.S. government publication, such as a report or register, often with a blue cover. [1/3 definitions]
board to close or cover using boards (often fol. by "up"). [1/9 definitions]
Boston ivy a woody climbing vine of Asian origin, commonly grown in the United States as an exterior wall cover, that has three-lobed leaves and bears purple berries.
bound1 having a binding or cover. [1/5 definitions]
braze1 to cover or decorate with brass. [1/2 definitions]
bread to cover with bread crumbs or meal, usu. preparatory to cooking. [1/4 definitions]
bury to cover in the ground with dirt. [2/6 definitions]
calcimine a white or light-colored wash containing zinc oxide, used to cover walls and ceilings. [2 definitions]
canopy any overarching, rooflike cover, such as the sky or stars or the spread of upper foliage in a forest. [3/5 definitions]
cap1 a soft, close-fitting head cover, often with a peak or visor but without a brim. [5/10 definitions]
caparison decorative trappings to cover a horse's saddle or harness. [2/4 definitions]