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caparison decorative trappings to cover a horse's saddle or harness. [2/4 definitions]
capsule any of several kinds of cases or envelopes covering or enclosing parts of living things, such as the seed case of certain fruits, or the membranous cover of a joint or organ. [1/7 definitions]
carpet a heavy fabric covering for floors. [2/3 definitions]
casement a case or cover. [1/3 definitions]
cement to fill or cover with cement. [1/6 definitions]
certified check a check bearing the issuing bank's guarantee that there is enough money on deposit to cover the check.
clapboard to cover or side with clapboards. [1/3 definitions]
cloak to hide or cover with or as if with a cloak. [1/3 definitions]
clothe to cover or surround (in something). [1/3 definitions]
clothes things that you wear to cover the body; clothing.
clothing things that you wear to cover the body; clothes.
cloud to cover with clouds. [1/5 definitions]
coat to cover with a layer. [1/4 definitions]
cobweb to cover with cobwebs or with something resembling cobwebs. [1/5 definitions]
concrete to build, cover, or lay with concrete. [1/10 definitions]
condom a thin, usu. rubber sheath made to cover the penis during sexual intercourse in order to prevent conception or the spread of venereal diseases.
copper to coat or cover with copper. [1/7 definitions]
cornerback in football, one of two players on the outer edges of the defensive secondary who guard against end runs and cover wide receivers.
counterpane something, such as a quilt, used to cover a bed; bedspread.
coverable combined form of cover.
covered wagon a large wagon with a high, curved, canvas cover. American pioneers rode west in covered wagons.