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cream a food containing cream or having a creamy layer or center. [6/14 definitions]
cream cheese a rich, soft, smooth white cheese made of milk and sometimes cream, and not ripened.
creamer a small container that holds cream for serving. [3 definitions]
cream puff a light pastry shell with a whipped cream or custard filling.
cream sauce a white sauce of flour, butter, and milk or cream cooked together.
creamy having a large proportion of cream. [1/2 definitions]
crème cream. [1/2 definitions]
crème de la crème cream of the cream (French); the very best.
éclair an oblong pastry filled with whipped cream or custard and usu. frosted with chocolate.
eggbeater a kitchen utensil having rotary blades, and used for beating liquid or semiliquid foods such as cream or eggs.
eggnog a drink made of beaten eggs, milk or cream, sugar, and often rum or other liquor.
floating island a dessert of soft custard having whipped cream or meringue floating atop it. [1/2 definitions]
foam a thick, long-lasting froth produced by chemical means, such as shaving cream or certain fire-extinguishing agents. [1/6 definitions]
fondant a soft creamy paste made of sugar, water, and cream of tartar, used in icing and candy. [1/2 definitions]
fountain a counter in a store or restaurant at which one can purchase sodas and other ice cream dishes, and often a limited selection of other light food and drink, for consumption on the premises; soda fountain. [1/5 definitions]
frappé a thick drink made with milk, ice cream, and flavoring, and whipped or shaken together; milk shake. [1/3 definitions]
frozen custard a food similar to ice cream but made with skim milk and having a softer smoother texture.
Gorgonzola a type of cheese, originally from Italy, characterized by its cream color, blue-green veins, and sharp taste.
half-and-half a mixture of two things in equal portions, esp. milk and cream. [1/3 definitions]
ice cream a rich, sweet, frozen food made by churning cream and milk products to a smooth consistency while freezing, and often flavored.
ice milk a kind of frozen dessert similar to ice cream but made with skim milk rather than cream.