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Linzer torte (sometimes l.c.) a pastry filled with raspberry jam and covered with a lattice crust that is made of finely ground almonds.
lithosphere the earth's crust.
mantle the layer of the earth that lies between the crust and the core. [1/9 definitions]
massif a large mass of the earth's crust, isolated by boundary faults, that has shifted as a unit. [1/2 definitions]
Mohole a hole that penetrates the earth's crust and the area beneath the Mohorovicic discontinuity, used for geological study.
Mohorovicic discontinuity the irregular jointure of the earth's crust with the layer of mantle rock beneath it, positioned nearly twenty-two miles beneath the continental land masses and from three to six miles beneath the ocean floor.
natural gas a mixture of hydrocarbon gases occurring naturally in the earth's crust, usu. with petroleum deposits, that is used chiefly for fuel.
pandowdy a deep-dish fruit pie with a thick crust on top, often sweetened with molasses.
pastry a baked item made with a light, flaky crust and typically filled with sweetened fruit, custard, nuts, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
patina a greenish, brownish, or reddish crust or film produced by oxidation on the surface of old metals such as bronze and copper. [1/4 definitions]
patty shell a small pastry crust that is filled with meat, vegetables, fruit, or the like.
pie1 a pastry crust filled with meat, cheese, fruit, or other filling, sometimes covered with a layer of crust, and baked in a shallow pan.
pizza an originally Italian food comprising a flat, doughy crust covered with tomato sauce, cheese, and often meat or vegetables and then baked.
plate a tectonic plate, any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions. [1/10 definitions]
plate tectonics (used with a sing. verb) the geologic theory that the earth's crust consists of several independent plates floating on semiliquid magma, whose constant motion is the cause of continental drift, volcanic eruption, and the like.
potpie a pie made with meat or poultry, vegetables, and sauce, topped with a single pastry crust and baked in a deep oven dish.
Precambrian of, relating to, or designating the earliest geological era, ending approximately 600 million years ago, when the earth's crust was formed and the first evidence of life appeared. [1/2 definitions]
rime2 a hard layer on a surface; crust; incrustation. [1/3 definitions]
scab the protective crust that forms over a wound during the healing process. [1/6 definitions]
scallop to bake in a sauce or other liquid, usu. with a crust of bread crumbs; escallop. [1/6 definitions]
scarp a steep cliff formed by erosion or an abrupt movement of the earth's crust. [1/3 definitions]