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calcium carbide a dark gray crystalline compound used as a dehydrating agent and a source of acetylene gas and calcium cyanimide.
calcium carbonate a white crystalline compound found in chalk, limestone, marble, shells, and plant ash that is used in the manufacture of cement, paints, plastics, and polishing agents such as toothpaste.
calcium chloride a white crystalline compound, derived from calcium carbonate, that is used as a dehydrating agent, de-icer, and dust suppressant.
calcium hydroxide a soft white crystalline compound made by the action of water on calcium oxide and used in the manufacture of cement, plaster, hard rubber products, and bleaching powder; slaked lime.
chloral hydrate a colorless crystalline compound used mainly as a hypnotic or sedative agent.
copper sulfate a poisonous blue crystalline copper compound, used in germicides, batteries, electroplating, and the like.
corundum an exceedingly hard mineral, aluminum oxide, occurring commonly in gray, brown, or blue varieties which are used esp. as abrasives, and more rarely in transparent, crystalline forms such as the ruby and sapphire used in expensive jewelry.
cyclonite an insoluble, crystalline, nitrogen compound used as an explosive or as rat poison.
dendrite a crystalline mineral deposit that appears in another mineral or stone in a branching, treelike form. [1/2 definitions]
devitrify to treat (glass or the like) so as to make opaque, brittle, and crystalline. [1/2 definitions]
diamond a clear, very hard crystalline form of carbon, used in jewelry and in abrasives and cutting tools. [1/7 definitions]
Dicumarol a white crystalline powder, produced synthetically or from sweet clover, used in medicine to prevent blood from clotting; dicoumarin.
dimenhydrinate a crystalline antihistamine used to control motion sickness and allergies.
dimorphism in chemistry, the existence of two different crystalline forms of a substance. [1/3 definitions]
diphenyl a pleasant-smelling crystalline compound used in preserving fruit and making dyes; biphenyl.
effloresce in chemistry, to become powdery or crystalline by chemical change or by evaporation upon exposure to air. [1/2 definitions]
eosin a red crystalline powder, used in staining tissues for microscopic viewing, in coloring gasoline, and in ink manufacturing.
epitaxy the growth of a crystalline layer on an existing crystal that guides its development.
feldspar any of a group of crystalline minerals that form the basic constituents of nearly all crystalline rocks, consisting usu. of silicates of aluminum, potassium, sodium, or calcium.
flavone a colorless, sometimes crystalline compound, found in plants or produced synthetically, from which a number of derivatives are obtained that are used in yellow dyes. [1/2 definitions]
fluorite a transparent, crystalline, and variously colored mineral that is the chief source of fluorine; calcium fluoride.