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jigsaw puzzle a puzzle consisting of a picture or design that has been cut into pieces of different shapes, which must be put together to reassemble the picture. The puzzle is usually made of cardboard or wood, and the pieces typically interlock.
julienne of food, cut into long thin strips. [2/3 definitions]
lance to cut into or cut open with a lancet or similar instrument. [1/3 definitions]
linocut a design cut into linoleum and mounted on a wooden block, used for making prints. [1/2 definitions]
lobotomy surgery involving a cut into or across a lobe of the brain.
lumber1 logs cut into planks and the like for use in carpentry or building. [1/3 definitions]
makimono sushi that is rolled and cut into pieces, typically wrapped in dark green seaweed called "nori." [1/2 definitions]
mince to cut into very small, fine pieces. [2/7 definitions]
mortise a slot or other shape cut into a piece of wood or metal and intended to connect with a matching piece cut to fit it exactly when inserted into it. (Cf. tenon.) [1/3 definitions]
no-till farming a method of farming that prepares the soil for planting without plowing or otherwise breaking into and turning over the soil forcefully with machinery. In no-till farming, residue of the previous crop remains on top of the soil, and the soil is cut into only slightly for seeding.
plow to cut into or turn over by using a plow; till. [1/11 definitions]
rabbet a slot or groove cut into the edge of a board, frame, or the like, to receive a projecting edge of another piece so that the two fit together. [1/5 definitions]
ravine a deep, steep-sided cut in the land, esp. one carved by the flow of water.
sawmill a building or plant in which lumber is cut into boards, planks, or the like.
shoestring potatoes potatoes cut into long narrow strips and fried in deep fat.
slab to shape or cut into a slab or slabs. [1/3 definitions]
slice to use a knife or the like to cut into or across. [1/11 definitions]
slit to cut into long narrow pieces. [1/3 definitions]
thumb index a series of labeled notches cut into the forward edge of a book, indicating and making it easy to turn to the separate sections, as in a dictionary.
undercut a notch cut in the lower part of a tree to direct its fall and prevent splitting. [1/6 definitions]