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nematode an unsegmented, usu. parasitic worm having an elongated, cylindrical body; roundworm.
okra a green, ribbed, cylindrical vegetable that becomes gummy when cooked and is often used in soups and gumbos. [1/2 definitions]
parbuckle a sling used to move a cylindrical object up or down an inclined plane, formed by doubling the rope and looping it around a post, tree, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
peg a small, cylindrical or tapered piece, often made of wood, used to hold things together or in place, fill a hole, or act as a marker. [1/5 definitions]
phial a small, often cylindrical container for liquids; vial.
pillar a tall, often cylindrical shaft used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument; column. [1/4 definitions]
pin any of various narrow cylindrical or roughly cylindrical objects such as a target in bowling games, parts of locks, and the pole that marks the hole in golf. [1/7 definitions]
pipe1 a usu. cylindrical tube of metal, plastic, wood, animal or plant tissue, or other material, through which a gas or liquid may flow. [1/13 definitions]
piston a usu. cylindrical machine part that moves up and down within a close-fitting sleeve and thereby powers an engine or the like.
pole1 a long, often narrow cylindrical post or rod made of metal, wood, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
pommel horse a padded, fairly cylindrical block on legs, with two removable U-shaped handles on top, used for men's gymnastic feats and routines.
potter's wheel a device consisting of a horizontal disk made to rotate by foot or motor power, that enables a potter to create cylindrical or rounded shapes in clay.
pyxis a lidded vase or box, usu. cylindrical, that was used to store toilet articles in ancient Greece and Rome. [1/3 definitions]
revolver a handgun with a revolving set of cylindrical chambers for bullets. [1/2 definitions]
roll any material coiled into a round or cylindrical shape. [4/32 definitions]
romaine a variety of lettuce with long, narrow, crisp leaves shaped into a cylindrical head.
roundworm a worm with a long, cylindrical, unsegmented body that is a parasite in mammal intestines.
sea anemone a flowerlike sedentary sea polyp, the flexible cylindrical body of which is topped with one or more rings of tentacles that encircle a mouth.
sea bag a large cylindrical canvas duffle bag, used by sailors to carry clothing and other personal gear.
shaft a rotating cylindrical rod, often attached to gears, that transfers power or motion. [1/11 definitions]
shell a cylindrical piece of ammunition, esp. for an artillery piece or a shotgun. [1/12 definitions]