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jeopardy danger, as of harm, death, or loss; peril.
joy ride a short, reckless car ride usu. for the thrill of driving fast or being in danger.
lest that (used in expressions denoting fear or danger). [1/2 definitions]
lifeline an anchored line or rope thrown to support a person in danger of drowning or falling. [1/5 definitions]
lockdown a measure or condition in which people are prevented from entering or leaving a secure area during an emergency that poses danger. [1/3 definitions]
look out to pay attention in order to avoid danger or harm. [1/2 definitions]
menace that which poses a danger or threatens injury or harm; threat. [2/4 definitions]
nap1 to lack alertness, esp. in the face of danger. [1/3 definitions]
nasty causing discomfort, difficulties, or danger. [1/3 definitions]
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. an influential U.S. Supreme Court justice (1902-1932), known for exercising judicial restraint and cited frequently for the opinion he wrote for Schenck v. United States, in which he argued that freedom of speech could be limited only in cases when particular acts of expression presented a "clear and present danger" to the country or its people (b.1841--d.1935).
ordeal formerly, a method of deciding guilt or innocence by exposing a person to physical danger or torment, the outcome being considered divine judgment. [1/2 definitions]
outface to confront (danger or the like) bravely; defy or resist. [1/2 definitions]
out of the woods no longer in danger or at risk.
overhang to hang above, as a cloud or danger. [1/5 definitions]
peril the condition of being in danger; jeopardy; risk. [3 definitions]
perilous causing or involving great danger; risky; hazardous.
pit1 anything that seems attractive but that can lead to danger or distress. [1/14 definitions]
pitfall an unexpected or hidden danger. [1/2 definitions]
play it safe to act so as to prevent or avoid misfortune or danger; be cautious.
play with fire to carelessly provoke danger.
precipice the verge of danger. [1/2 definitions]