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palm off to sell or get someone to accept (something) by deception, as by misrepresenting it.
put-on (informal) a deception done to amuse or tease; hoax. [1/3 definitions]
scam a dishonest, often elaborate, business scheme that uses deception to obtain money, often employing the telephone or Internet to reach a large number of people. [1/2 definitions]
simply plainly or without affectation or attempt at deception. [1/4 definitions]
skulduggery wicked cunning and deception. [1/2 definitions]
sleight cleverness, as in deception; deftness.
slick1 clever, esp. in deception. [1/5 definitions]
snare1 to lure, entangle, or involve, usu. by deception. [1/4 definitions]
trap1 a trick or deception used to catch or expose someone by surprise. [1/13 definitions]
trick of, concerning, or marked by deception or skill. [1/15 definitions]
tricky given to or marked by deception or trickery; wily. [1/2 definitions]
ulterior beyond or excluded from what is openly admitted or shown, esp. when concealed for the purposes of deception. [1/3 definitions]
undeceive to free from deception, error, or illusion; disabuse.
unwary unmindful of potential harm or deception; not cautious.
wire fraud a type of criminal act that involves deception for personal gain and that makes use of telecommunications devices or the internet.