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heart anything shaped like the figure that somewhat resembles a heart, as on one of the four suits in a deck of cards. [1/8 definitions]
jack the face card of lowest value in a deck of cards, which usu. depicts a young man in uniform or livery; knave. [1/7 definitions]
joker in a deck of playing cards, a card, usu. one of two such, that has no suit or denomination, is used as a wild card in certain games, and usu. bears a picture of a court jester. [1/4 definitions]
knave in a deck of cards, a jack. [1/2 definitions]
lifeline a safety line strung along the deck of a ship as a handhold in stormy weather. [1/5 definitions]
misdeal to deal (a deck of playing cards) incorrectly. [1/2 definitions]
monte a card game played with a deck of forty cards in which a player selects two of four cards and bets that one will be matched by the dealer before the other.
pinochle a card game that two to four players play with a deck consisting of two each of the cards from nine to ace.
piquet a card game for two people that is played with a deck of thirty-two cards.
poop1 the deck on the top of this structure; poop deck. [1/2 definitions]
quarterdeck the rear part of the upper deck of a ship, usu. off limits to all but officers.
riffle to shuffle (cards) by holding half a deck in each hand and releasing the edges by one's thumbs to cause the cards to come together. [1/5 definitions]
roustabout a manual laborer on a wharf or ship's deck; longshoreman or deckhand. [1/3 definitions]
scupper an opening for draining excess water, as on a ship's deck or the floor or side of a building. [1/3 definitions]
shuffle to rearrange playing cards in a random order by separating parts of the deck and interleaving them with the remainder. [1/8 definitions]
shuffleboard a game in which disks are thrust with a long-handled, pronged cue along a smooth, marked floor or deck toward numbered scoring positions.
stack to secretly arrange (the cards in a deck) in order to cheat. [1/9 definitions]
suit all the playing cards of a single kind in a deck of cards. In games such as poker or bridge, the suits are clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. [1/10 definitions]
sun deck a platform, porch, ship's deck, or the like used for sunbathing.
superstructure a structure or part of a structure built upon something else, such as the part of a building above its foundation or the part of a ship above the main deck. [1/2 definitions]
Texas (l.c.) a structure on the upper deck of a steamboat that contains the officers' quarters. [1/2 definitions]