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quit to admit defeat and stop trying to do something. [1/8 definitions]
quitter someone who habitually gives up or admits defeat, esp. when faced by difficulties or danger.
rout1 a crushing defeat. [2/5 definitions]
shellac (slang) to defeat soundly. [1/5 definitions]
skunk (slang) to defeat decisively, esp. by holding scoreless. [1/3 definitions]
smear (slang) to defeat decisively; whip. [1/9 definitions]
squash1 to suppress, reject, or defeat utterly. [1/8 definitions]
steamroller to suppress or defeat by overwhelming power; crush. [1/5 definitions]
the last straw the final, decisive defeat, failure, indignity, burden, or the like that causes collapse, exhaustion, the losing of one's temper, or the like.
the straw that broke the camel's back the final, decisive defeat, failure, indignity, burden, or the like that causes collapse, exhaustion, the losing of one's temper, or the like.
thrash to defeat completely or by a wide margin, as in an athletic contest. [1/5 definitions]
throw in the sponge (informal) to admit defeat or inability.
throw in the towel to quit reluctantly or admit defeat.
trimming (informal) a substantial defeat, a punishment, or a loss by being cheated. [1/5 definitions]
Trojan horse any person, thing, stratagem, or the like that is intended to overthrow or defeat by subversion from within. [1/2 definitions]
tromp to defeat thoroughly; trounce. [1/3 definitions]
trounce to defeat, as in a sports contest, by a great margin. [1/2 definitions]
unbeatable impossible to defeat, overcome, or surpass.
upset to defeat (an opponent that was considered very likely to win). [2/13 definitions]
vanquish to subdue or defeat by or as if by greater force; conquer; overcome.
victory the final, decisive defeat of an enemy in a battle, war, or contest. [1/2 definitions]