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defense in sports, the set of players on a team who are responsible for defense. [1/7 definitions]
defenseless combined form of defense.
defensive intended for defense or protection, or serving to defend or protect. [3/6 definitions]
Department of Defense the U.S. federal department of the executive branch of government responsible for national security, military policy, and military forces. The Department of Defense includes the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
disarm to take away the weapons of; divest of the means of attack or defense. [1/4 definitions]
disputation an academic debate on, or oral defense of, a thesis. [1/2 definitions]
DOD abbreviation of "Department of Defense."
Espionage Act a U.S. law passed by President Woodrow Wilson in 1917, shortly after the U.S. entered World War I. The Espionage Act made it a crime to convey information with the intent to interfere with the operation of the U.S. military or its recruitment of troops, to disclose information relating to national defense, or to promote the success of the country's enemies.
fast break a play, esp. in basketball, in which a team advances quickly down the playing area to try to score before the defense is prepared.
fend to provide defense; resist. [1/3 definitions]
formic acid a colorless, caustic organic acid, naturally emitted by ants, nettles, spiders, and the like as a stinging defense, and synthetically produced for use in a variety of industrial processes.
fort a fortified building or position used by military troops for protection and defense. [1/2 definitions]
Global Positioning System a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
GPS abbreviation of "Global Positioning System," a public satellite navigation system designed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense that provides an accurate global time reference and is used to determine a precise location on Earth.
Hong Kong a region of southeast China containing Hong Kong Island as well as many other islands and the adjacent mainland. Hong Kong was a British colony from the 1840s until 1997 when it was reverted to Chinese rule as a "Special Administrative Region." While it is a part of China and controlled by the Chinese government on all matters related to defense and foreign affairs, Hong Kong operates with a great deal of autonomy, with its own legal system, police force, immigration policy, and currency.
jujitsu a Japanese form of unarmed self-defense in which one uses one's opponent's weight and strength against him or her. (Cf. judo, karate.)
karate a method of weaponless self-defense, based on strategically placed hard blows with the elbows or the edges of hands or feet.
kung fu a Chinese method of self-defense involving fluid, circular movements of the hands and legs. (Cf. karate.)
lend-lease the material aid, esp. weapons, tools, food, and services, supplied by the United States during World War II to its allies and to certain other countries whose defense was considered vital to U.S. national security.
martial art (often pl.) any of various systems of self-defense, such as judo and karate, that originated in the Orient.
militant aggressive or combative in attitude or actions, esp. in defense of a cause. [1/4 definitions]