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Menshevik a member of the Russian Social Democratic party that opposed the more radical Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution. [1/2 definitions]
nondemocratic combined form of democratic.
North Korea a country on the eastern coast of Asia, south of Russia; Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Republican Party a former political party in the United States, organized by Thomas Jefferson in 1792; Democratic-Republican Party. [1/2 definitions]
Republic of the Congo a country in Central Africa, south of Gabon and north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Republic of the Congo was formerly known as the French Congo. Brazzaville is the capital; Congo.
Rwanda a central African country between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania.
Social Democrat a member of any of various Social Democratic parties.
Social Democratic party any of various similar parties advocating a gradual change from capitalism to socialism under democratic processes. [1/2 definitions]
Socialist party any of several political parties that advocate socialism, often by democratic selection. [1/2 definitions]
Solid South formerly, in the United States, the southern states traditionally regarded as solidly supporting the Democratic Party.
Swahili an African language with some Arabic roots that is used in east Africa and parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [1/2 definitions]
Tammany Hall a powerful Democratic organization founded in 1789 in New York City, known for its corruption and political abuse in the late nineteenth century.
Tanganyika Lake Tanganyika, a lake of East Africa between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania that is the world's longest freshwater lake. [1/2 definitions]
Uganda an East African country between Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
ultrademocratic combined form of democratic.
undemocratic combined form of democratic.
Watergate a scandal involving the burglary of the headquarters of the Democratic Party in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C., in 1972, and its consequences, including an attempted government cover-up.
Zaire former name of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, used from 1971 to 1997. [2 definitions]
zaire the former chief monetary unit of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, equaling one hundred makuta.
Zambia a south central African country, south of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and east of Angola; formerly Northern Rhodesia.