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FICA acronym of "Federal Insurance Contributions Act," a federal tax law requiring employers to withhold a certain amount from employees' paychecks or wages for deposit in governmental accounts that fund Social Security.
flesh fly any of various flies that deposit their eggs or larvae in dead or living animal flesh.
foul to make dirty or deposit filth in or on. [1/21 definitions]
gallfly any of various insects that deposit eggs in plant stems or tree bark causing the formation of galls in which the larvae feed.
glaucous covered with a pale green or whitish powdery deposit, as plums, grapes, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
honeydew a sweet, sticky substance that various insects such as aphids deposit on plant leaves. [1/2 definitions]
in hock on deposit at a pawnbroker's. [1/2 definitions]
lahar a mudflow down the side of a volcano, or the deposit left by such a mudflow.
layaway a system of payment in which a deposit is made to reserve desired goods, the goods are then paid for over time in installments, and the goods are received by the customer when they are paid for in full. [1/2 definitions]
leave1 to deposit (something) in a particular place and allow it to remain there. [1/10 definitions]
lode a deposit of a mineral, such as copper ore, that fills a crack in a rock formation. [1/3 definitions]
margin to deposit money in a brokerage account as surety against losses, or to establish or add to a margin account by such deposits. [1/9 definitions]
marl a crumbly earthy deposit composed mostly of clay and calcium carbonate, used to improve acidic soils. [1/2 definitions]
moraine a deposit of rocks, sand, or clay carried or pushed aside by a moving glacier.
overburden soil or rock that overlies either bedrock or a deposit of coal or other useful material. [1/2 definitions]
oxidation a deposit that forms as the result of this process, esp. rust. [1/3 definitions]
pawn1 to deposit (something) with a pawnbroker as security for a loan. [1/6 definitions]
pearl a smooth, hard, glossy deposit, valued as a gem, that is formed inside the shells of oysters and some other mollusks to cover an irritant object such as a grain of sand. [2/8 definitions]
redeposit combined form of deposit.
safe-deposit of or designating secure storage for valuable items, as in a bank vault or lockbox; safety deposit.
safety deposit see "safe-deposit."