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otherworldly preoccupied with or devoted to such a world, or to the world of the mind, rather than the tangible world. [1/2 definitions]
outdoorsman a man devoted to outdoor activities, esp. fishing, hiking, hunting, and the like.
outdoorswoman a woman devoted to outdoor activities, esp. horseback riding, hiking, fishing, and the like.
panegyric a formal speech or piece of writing devoted to publicly praising a person or thing. [1/2 definitions]
parlor a room or establishment devoted to a particular activity or business. [1/2 definitions]
partisan a person who is strongly or actively devoted to some cause, idea, group, or person. [2/4 definitions]
philharmonic having affection for, or being devoted to, music. [1/3 definitions]
pious devoted to and dutiful toward a god or gods; religious. [1/4 definitions]
Prussian considered to be extremely devoted to militarism, harsh discipline, and the like. [1/4 definitions]
Red Cross an international organization devoted to providing medical care during war and natural disasters.
romance formerly, a fictitious tale of the deeds and adventures of knights or other heroes, or the class of literature devoted to such tales. [1/7 definitions]
shrine a place or object, such as an altar or tomb, considered sacred and devoted to some holy person or deity. [1/3 definitions]
thesaurus any comprehensive reference work, esp. one devoted to the vocabulary and concepts particular to a specialized field. [1/2 definitions]
U. abbreviation of "University," an educational institution devoted to learning and research and authorized to award degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels (used in a proper name).
university an educational institution devoted to learning and research and authorized to award degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Ursuline a member of an order of Roman Catholic nuns devoted to teaching.
uxorious excessively or foolishly devoted to one's wife, and often thereby submissive to her.
Vaishnava in Hinduism, a sect that is devoted to Vishnu, or a member of this sect.
votary a fervent and devoted follower, esp. of a religion, activity, leader, or ideal. [1/3 definitions]
workday the part of the day devoted to work or employment. [1/2 definitions]
workshop a meeting or series of meetings devoted to discussion and demonstration of practical applications in a specialized field or subject. [1/2 definitions]