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Dictionary Suite
pushball a game in which two teams each try to push a large heavy ball, about six feet in diameter, across the other's goal. [1/2 definitions]
radius the length of a radius line segment; one half of the diameter. [1/7 definitions]
Saturn the second largest planet in the solar system and sixth from the sun, having many satellites, a diameter of about 74,500 miles, and a system of icy rings around its equator. [1/2 definitions]
supergiant a star at least one hundred times the diameter of the sun and very much brighter, such as Betelgeuse.
Uranus the third largest planet in the solar system and seventh from the sun, having twenty-seven satellites and a diameter of about 31,500 miles. [1/2 definitions]
Venus the brightest and sixth largest planet in the solar system and second from the sun, having a diameter of about 7,500 miles and a dense, cloudy atmosphere. [1/2 definitions]
windage the difference in a firearm between the diameter of the projectile fired and that of the bore of the firearm. [1/3 definitions]
wire gauge a gauge calibrated for determining the diameter of wire or thickness of sheet metal.