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cloud to make sad or otherwise difficult; trouble. [1/8 definitions]
clumsy difficult to handle or manipulate; awkwardly made; unwieldy. [1/3 definitions]
complex difficult to analyze or understand because of being complicated. [1/5 definitions]
complicate to make (a problem, issue, or situation) more difficult or complex. [1/3 definitions]
complicated hard to understand; difficult to deal with. [1/2 definitions]
conflicted having feelings about something that contradict one another, often making it difficult to make a decision.
conundrum a puzzle or problem with a difficult or impossible solution. [1/2 definitions]
corner an awkward position from which escape is difficult. [2/10 definitions]
cornered in an awkward, embarrassing, or dangerous position from which escape is difficult. [1/2 definitions]
costive having or causing difficult or infrequent bowel movement; constipated or constipating. [1/2 definitions]
cowboy (informal) a man who is arrogantly or foolishly heedless of danger, as in difficult or complex situations, and who enjoys demonstrating his masculinity. [1/3 definitions]
cranky difficult or unreliable of operation. [1/3 definitions]
cryptic difficult to understand; ambiguous or mysterious in meaning. [1/3 definitions]
cut the Gordian knot to solve a difficult problem in a rapid, bold manner.
deal1 to act or behave toward other people, esp. in difficult or potentially difficult situations (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/15 definitions]
defy to challenge or dare (someone) to do something very difficult or impossible. [1/3 definitions]
dense difficult to understand because of complexity or volume of detail. [1/4 definitions]
derailleur a device on some bicycles that moves the chain onto various gears in order to allow easier or more difficult pedaling.
devil of a very difficult or frustrating.
difficulty the quality or condition of being difficult. [1/6 definitions]
dilemma (informal) any difficult and perplexing situation; predicament. [1/2 definitions]