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indignity something that offends or injures one's dignity; humiliation or insult.
infra dig (informal) beneath one's dignity.
kingship the position, power, dominion, or dignity of a king. [1/3 definitions]
lese majesty a crime against or affront to the dignity of a ruler, sovereign, or head of state. [2 definitions]
low1 mean, coarse, or lacking in dignity. [1/16 definitions]
majestic regal, imposing, or stately; of great dignity or grandness.
majesty the greatness, dignity, or power of a sovereign or sovereign being. [1/5 definitions]
off-ramp a way of retreating from one's current position without losing one's dignity or prestige. [1/2 definitions]
pompous showing or inclined to show an exaggerated air of dignity or importance. [1/3 definitions]
pride an inherent feeling of dignity and worth. [1/7 definitions]
raise to promote in rank, dignity, or office. [1/15 definitions]
self-respect the proper esteem and regard for oneself and one's dignity as a human being.
solemnize to perform with dignity and gravity, as required by ritual or other convention. [1/3 definitions]
sport one who accepts various difficult situations with grace and dignity. [1/10 definitions]
supereminent of superior rank or dignity; eminent above all others.