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farmers' market a public market at which farmers sell fresh produce directly to consumers, and which often includes other vendors who sell handcrafted products.
firsthand from the original source; directly. [1/2 definitions]
flat1 precisely or directly; unquestionably. [1/17 definitions]
flush2 directly, squarely, or solidly. [1/6 definitions]
fore-topgallant of, pertaining to, or denoting the mast, sail, yard, or the like directly above the fore-topmast.
free weights strength-building weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, that a person lifts directly rather than by means of an exercise machine that incorporates them.
fuel injection any of several systems by which fuel is sprayed directly into an engine's combustion chamber. [1/2 definitions]
ground zero the land or water surface directly above or below the point at which a nuclear bomb explodes.
hearsay in law, information heard from another person but not directly witnessed and thus usu. not admissible as testimony; hearsay evidence. [1/2 definitions]
hem and haw to avoid speaking directly or frankly; speak evasively or unresponsively.
hypodermis in plants, a layer of cells directly beneath the epidermis. [1/2 definitions]
I formation in football, an offensive formation in which the halfback and fullback line up directly behind the quarterback.
impact to affect directly; to have a direct impact on. [1/5 definitions]
implicit implied rather than directly stated. [1/3 definitions]
imply to signal (a meaning) without directly stating such meaning; suggest. [1/2 definitions]
in front of directly ahead of in place or position.
initiative in government, a process whereby voters can propose legislation directly. [1/3 definitions]
in the wake of directly succeeding; following. [1/2 definitions]
intuit to know or apprehend directly, without a process of logical thought.
intuition the power of knowing or apprehending something directly, without learning it consciously or submitting it to processes of logic. [1/3 definitions]
know perceive directly or be aware of something through learning or observation. [1/7 definitions]