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know to perceive directly or have some information about something in your mind. [1/4 definitions]
ladyship (often cap.) the title used when referring or speaking directly to a woman with the rank of lady (often prec. by "Her" or "Your"). [1/2 definitions]
luminescence the production of light not caused directly by heat, as by chemical reaction. (Cf. incandescence.) [1/2 definitions]
machine language a computer language that presents information and instructions in symbols used directly by the computer with no translation.
march to walk purposefully, directly, or determinedly. [1/11 definitions]
mate1 an officer on a ship who ranks directly below the captain; first mate. [1/6 definitions]
meet1 to face or deal with directly. [1/13 definitions]
mouth-to-mouth of, pertaining to, or being a method to blow air directly into the lungs of someone who is not breathing on his or her own.
nadir the point on a heavenly sphere directly below a specified position on the earth's surface and at the other end of the diameter drawn from the zenith. [1/2 definitions]
negative income tax a proposed governmental subsidy system in which people having an income below a specified level would receive money directly from the government.
new moon the phase of the moon when it cannot be seen because it passes directly between the sun and the earth.
nonproductive not directly engaged in production of goods, as administrators, clerical staff, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
north one of the four major points of direction on the compass. The north is directly opposite the south. [1/6 definitions]
now directly; immediately. [1/7 definitions]
o'clock according to the arrangement on the face of an imaginary clock that has the twelve in a position either straight ahead or directly above. [1/2 definitions]
ohmmeter an instrument that measures electrical resistance directly in ohms.
ostensive clearly or directly shown, expressed, or demonstrated. [1/2 definitions]
overhead at any height directly or generally above the head. [1/3 definitions]
over-the-counter of stocks, not listed on any stock exchange and traded directly between buyer and seller. [1/2 definitions]
passive receiving an action without acting in return, or being unresponsive to something that affects or might be expected to affect one directly. [1/6 definitions]
periphery the outer boundary or edge of an area or surface, or the region directly inside or outside of this. [1/2 definitions]