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Dictionary Suite
palate the sense of taste, or precision of discrimination between tastes. [1/2 definitions]
race2 the question, issue, or practice of racial discrimination. [1/5 definitions]
racism persistent and pervasive discrimination, both subtle and direct, on the part of members of the racial group that holds the greatest wealth and power within a society against members of other racial groups, resulting in inequities in such areas as income, job opportunities, access to voting and healthcare, treatment under the law, and treatment by law enforcement officials; systemic racism. [1/3 definitions]
racist accepting of or engaging in discrimination against members of a particular race or races. [1/7 definitions]
reverse discrimination discrimination against previously favored groups, such as whites, Protestants, or males.
selective characterized by careful choice; tending to exercise discrimination. [1/2 definitions]
sensibility the capacity for refined aesthetic discrimination. [1/4 definitions]
sexism discrimination on the basis of sex, esp. as directed against women.
sexist being, advocating, or expressing discrimination on the basis of sex, esp. as directed against females. [1/2 definitions]
systemic racism persistent and pervasive discrimination, both subtle and direct, on the part of members of the racial group that holds the greatest wealth and power within a society against members of other racial groups, resulting in inequities in such areas as income, job opportunities, access to voting and healthcare, treatment under the law, and treatment by law enforcement officials.