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catatonia a disorder, esp. of schizophrenia, characterized by rigidity of the muscles, mental stupor, and muteness; catalepsy.
cerebral palsy a motor disorder caused by damage to the brain before or during birth, characterized by spastic paralysis and difficulty in controlling the voluntary muscles.
chaos a state, condition, or place of complete disorder and confusion. [1/2 definitions]
chloracne a severe skin disorder resembling acne, resulting from exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as dioxin.
chlorosis an abnormal yellowing or color loss in green plant tissue because of insufficient light or nutrition, genetic disorder, or disease that results in deficient chlorophyll production. [1/2 definitions]
cobweb to disorder or confuse. [1/5 definitions]
cockeye an eye that crosses or squints, usu. involuntarily as the result of a muscular disorder.
condition a bodily disorder. [1/9 definitions]
dementia severe and irreversible deterioration of mental abilities, accompanied by emotional disturbances and caused by an organic disorder of the brain. [1/2 definitions]
demoralize to throw into a state of confusion or disorder; bewilder. [1/3 definitions]
depressed experiencing psychological depression, a mood disorder characterized by pervasive sadness or hopelessness. [1/4 definitions]
diabetes insipidus a disorder of the pituitary gland, characterized by frequent and excessive urination and intense thirst.
diplopia a vision disorder in which two images of the same object are seen, also called double vision.
disarray to upset or throw into disorder or confusion. [2/4 definitions]
discompose to disturb the arrangement of; cause disorder in. [1/2 definitions]
dishabille a state of disorder. [1/2 definitions]
dislocate to put into disorder; disrupt. [1/3 definitions]
disrupt to throw into disorder or turmoil. [1/2 definitions]
disturb to upset or cause to be in disorder. [1/3 definitions]
diverticulosis a disorder characterized by the presence of many saclike growths protruding outward from the intestinal wall.
dyslexia a learning disorder characterized by difficulty in recognizing and understanding written words.