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discrete separate and distinct. [2 definitions]
disparate essentially different and distinct.
distinctive serving to set apart or mark as distinct or unusual.
distinctly in a clear or distinct way. [1/2 definitions]
domain a region with distinct characteristics such as certain flora or fauna. [1/5 definitions]
dual having two distinct sides, natures, or aspects. [1/2 definitions]
edition one of a series of printings of the same published work, differing from others in being printed from a distinct typesetting. [1/3 definitions]
end user the user for whom a personal computing device or application is ultimately designed, particularly as distinct from one who designs, programs, manufactures, or sells the end product.
enunciate to pronounce (words), esp. in a clear and distinct voice. [2/3 definitions]
epoch a distinct or notable period in human history. [1/3 definitions]
event a distinct happening or occurrence; something that takes place. [1/4 definitions]
faceless lacking distinct identity. [1/2 definitions]
flavoring a substance that imparts a distinct flavor.
focus to adjust (an optical device or the eyes) to produce a more distinct image. [1/9 definitions]
fog bank a distinct dense mass of fog, esp. as seen from a distance.
formless without distinct shape, form, or order.
globalization the process or idea of the world becoming more like that of a single nation with one shared economy and culture rather than separate, distinct countries.
imprint a distinct and lasting impression; impact. [1/5 definitions]
individual single, distinct, or separate. [1/5 definitions]
individualize to make distinct, unique, or suited to a particular person or thing. [1/2 definitions]
intellect the faculty of reasoning and understanding, esp. as distinct from emotion or will. [1/3 definitions]