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Dictionary Suite
intellect the faculty of reasoning and understanding, esp. as distinct from emotion or will. [1/3 definitions]
intention (pl.) a person's plans as distinct from his or her actions, esp. in regard to motive or morality. [1/4 definitions]
laity the body of lay members of a religious group, as distinct from the clergy. [1/2 definitions]
laser a device that amplifies electrical impulses at mixed frequencies in or near the range of visible light by stimulating the atoms in a medium such as a gas or crystal, producing an intense, concentrated beam of light at one or more virtually distinct frequencies (acronym for "light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation").
limbus in anatomy, a distinct border or edge between two structures.
lode a mass of ore distinct from the surrounding earth or rock. [1/3 definitions]
manuscript handwritten or typed, as distinct from printed. [1/3 definitions]
marginate having a margin or distinct border. [1/2 definitions]
marked distinct; conspicuous. [1/3 definitions]
matter physical substance as distinct from nonphysical things. [1/8 definitions]
melody a sequence of single tones organized rhythmically into a distinct musical phrase or theme, esp. the main theme of a musical piece that can be recognized by listeners. [1/3 definitions]
mind the intellect or intelligence as commonly considered distinct from the body; intellectual power. [1/13 definitions]
motif a distinct formal unit such as a design, theme, or musical phrase that may repeat in, dominate, characterize, or be a prominent feature of an aesthetic or decorative work. [1/2 definitions]
mottle a distinct area of color or tone amidst a variegated pattern; blotch. [1/3 definitions]
multicultural of, concerning, including, or directed toward several distinct cultures.
multiethnic of, related to, or composed of several distinct ethnic groups.
paragraph in a written article, composition, speech, or the like, a distinct section composed of one or more sentences that is related to the main point but that expresses an idea in itself and begins on a new line, usually indented. [1/3 definitions]
parcel a distinct piece of land, often a portion of a larger tract. [1/4 definitions]
particular being clearly distinct or defined; specific. [1/7 definitions]
particulate relating to or made of distinct particles. [2 definitions]
peculiar distinct or unique. [1/3 definitions]