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featureless lacking distinctive or interesting characteristics.
flavor a substance, such as a spice or essence, that imparts a distinctive taste. [2/4 definitions]
flower the part of a plant, often marked by a distinctive color or fragrance, that generates fruit or seeds; blossom. [1/6 definitions]
foil2 someone or something that, by contrast, makes the distinctive characteristics of another more noticeable. [1/7 definitions]
frontlet the forehead of a bird or animal, esp. when set off by a distinctive color or texture. [1/2 definitions]
garlic a perennial plant related to the onion and grown for its strong-smelling, distinctive-tasting bulb. [1/3 definitions]
glory a distinctive and highly praiseworthy characteristic or feature. [1/8 definitions]
Google a U.S. corporation that developed a popular and distinctive internet search engine. [1/3 definitions]
gorget a patch of distinctive color on the neck of an animal, esp. a bird. [1/4 definitions]
howler a large tropical American monkey that has a long prehensile tail and a distinctive howling call. [1/3 definitions]
idiom a distinctive style of expression, as in art or music, that is characteristic of a particular artist, group, or period. [1/4 definitions]
impress1 a distinctive quality given to something, as by a person. [1/7 definitions]
individuality the aggregate qualities and characteristics of an individual, esp. those that make him or her distinctive. [1/2 definitions]
individually in a unique and distinctive way. [1/2 definitions]
ism a distinctive theory or set of beliefs or practices.
karma a distinctive aura or emanation, as of a person or place. [1/3 definitions]
label a distinctive sign or trademark for a product, esp. a phonograph record, or its manufacturer. [1/7 definitions]
lineament (usu. pl.) distinctive or characteristic features. [1/2 definitions]
livery distinctive clothing worn by members of a particular group or association. [1/4 definitions]
local color the distinctive sights, customs, manners, speech, and the like that are characteristic of a particular place or period, either as observed in reality or depicted in literature.
mannerism a distinctive and habitual behavioral characteristic. [1/2 definitions]