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Dictionary Suite
dispensation an act or instance of giving out, or the thing given out; distribution. [2/3 definitions]
disposition placement or distribution, as of troops on a battlefield. [1/6 definitions]
distributive dividing or distributing, or of or involving distribution. [1/4 definitions]
divisive constituting or expressing partition or distribution. [1/2 definitions]
dole a distribution of food, money, or the like to needy people. [1/4 definitions]
drug-trafficking dealing in the production, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs, esp. the transporting of drugs into countries where they are prohibited.
dump an area or structure for the storage and distribution of military supplies such as ammunition. [1/10 definitions]
economic of or pertaining to the production and distribution of goods, wealth, and services. [2/3 definitions]
economics (used with a sing. verb) the systematic study of the production and distribution of goods and services. [1/2 definitions]
field theory in physics, a mathematical description of the effects of physical fields on the distribution and behavior of matter.
floristic of or pertaining to flowers or plants, or their distribution in a region.
food bank a group or agency responsible for such collection and distribution of food. [1/2 definitions]
Gaussian being a curve that is generated using the Gaussian distribution function. [2/4 definitions]
Gaussian distribution function a function named after the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss that represents statistical data as a symmetrical bell-shaped curve; normal distribution function.
grid an interconnected system of power stations and electricity distribution lines serving a large region. [1/5 definitions]
histogram a bar graph of a frequency distribution in which the frequency of a variable is represented by the height of the bar, and the class interval by the width, where each class interval is a summary of data that represents a range of independent variable values rather than a single value.
hydrologic pertaining to the circulation, distribution, or quality of the waters of the earth, or to the field of hydrology.
hydrology the scientific study of the distribution, circulation, and quality of the waters of the earth.
linguistic atlas a collection of maps recording the geographical distribution of linguistic forms and usages.
logistics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the aspect of military science relating to the procurement and distribution of equipment and supplies and the maintenance and transportation of troops. [1/2 definitions]
mass spectrometer an instrument used to determine the mass and abundance of charged particles in a prepared beam, by passing it through an electromagnetic field and electronically recording the distribution of particles, often for the purpose of chemical analysis.