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undisturbed combined form of disturbed.
uneasy not comfortable physically or mentally; restless; disturbed; insecure. [1/3 definitions]
unhinge to cause to become confused, unbalanced, or deeply disturbed. [1/2 definitions]
unmolested not disturbed, troubled, harrassed, or attacked.
unquiet emotionally or mentally agitated or disturbed; restless; uneasy. [1/3 definitions]
unruffled not upset or disturbed. [1/2 definitions]
unsettle to become unsettled, disrupted, or disturbed. [1/3 definitions]
unsettled agitated, disturbed, or upset. [1/6 definitions]
unsound of sleep, easily or often disturbed; light. [1/5 definitions]
upset to become disturbed or distressed. [1/13 definitions]
vibration in physics, the rapid motion of a particle or elastic substance around an equilibrium position when its equilibrium has been disturbed, or a similar movement of the particles of an air mass or the like, as in sound transmission. [1/4 definitions]
vinegarroon a large, nonvenomous whip scorpion of the southern United States and Mexico that emits a strong odor of vinegar when disturbed.