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cloven hoof a hoof or foot divided into two parts by a cleft, characteristic of deer, sheep, and goats; cloven foot. [1/2 definitions]
coattail the loose back part of a coat below the waist, esp. either half of this part when divided by a vent, as in a cutaway.
coconut palm a tall, tropical palm tree that has finely divided leaves and that bears coconuts.
colloid in chemistry, a suspension of a very finely ground or divided substance in a gas, liquid, or solid, such that suspended particles tend not to settle out. [2/3 definitions]
comminute divided into small pieces. [1/3 definitions]
cornrow a hairstyle, originally African, in which the hair is divided into sections from front to back, and each section is then tightly braided close to the scalp. [1/3 definitions]
crowfoot any of various, mostly yellow-flowered plants, esp. with divided leaves that resemble a crow's foot. [1/2 definitions]
Czechoslovakia formerly, a European country south of Poland, which, in 1993, divided into the Czech and Slovak Republics; Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
denominator in arithmetic, the number in a fraction that is below the division line, indicating the number of equal parts into which the number above is to be divided; divisor.
dividend in mathematical division, the number to be divided by another number. [1/4 definitions]
divisible capable of being divided, or of being divided equally with no remainder.
division the state of being divided. [1/7 definitions]
division sign a mathematical sign consisting of a small horizontal line with a dot above and below it, indicating that the numeral preceding it is to be divided by the numeral following it.
divisor in mathematical division, the number by which another number is to be divided.
dual carriageway (chiefly British) a highway divided by a strip of land, with two lanes on either side used by traffic moving in opposite directions; divided highway.
duplex a house divided into two apartments. [1/3 definitions]
duplex house a house that has been divided into two separate living units.
Dutch door a door divided into two halves that operate separately so that the top may be opened while the bottom remains closed.
Dutchman's-breeches an herb of eastern North America with finely divided leaves and yellow, pink, or whitish double-spurred flowers.
even able to be divided exactly by two. [1/17 definitions]
even number a whole number that can be divided exactly by 2.