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easily with little doubt. [1/2 definitions]
hem2 used to get attention, suggest doubt, or the like. [2/4 definitions]
hesitancy doubt, uncertainty, or indecision.
hesitant uncertain or in doubt; hesitating.
hesitate to be slow or unwilling to act due to doubt or fear; feel reluctant. [1/2 definitions]
hum a short humlike sound (used to express momentary thoughtfulness, mild surprise, doubt, or the like). [1/7 definitions]
humph used to express disdain, doubt, surprise, or displeasure.
impeach to cast doubt or discredit on. [1/2 definitions]
incertitude lack of confidence or certainty; doubt.
indeed without any question or doubt; truly; in fact. [2 definitions]
insecure not confident in oneself; filled with doubt and uncertainty. [1/3 definitions]
insecurity lack of confidence in oneself or one's relationships; doubt; uncertainty. [1/3 definitions]
misgive to arouse doubt, fear, or suspicion in. [1/2 definitions]
misgiving a feeling of regret, doubt, or apprehension.
mistrust lack of belief or confidence in the good intentions of people; doubt. [1/3 definitions]
naturally without a doubt; of course; surely. [1/4 definitions]
negativism a chronic tendency toward skepticism or doubt.
once and for all without a doubt, either now or ever; absolutely. [1/2 definitions]
positively without a doubt; definitely. [1/3 definitions]
problematic presenting difficulties or causing doubt; questionable.
qualm a feeling of guilt, doubt, or misgiving. [1/2 definitions]