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isochronal equal in time or duration. [1/2 definitions]
lag the duration of falling behind an expected pace; delay. [1/4 definitions]
last2 to persist or endure for the duration of. [1/4 definitions]
lengthy tediously long in duration, as a speech. [1/2 definitions]
lifetime the predicted or typical duration of useful function, as of a product. [2/3 definitions]
measure calculation of exact dimensions within time or space, such as length, quantity, duration, weight, or capacity. [1/14 definitions]
mini- very small; reduced in size, length, or duration.
pace1 to control the energy loss of, esp. in an activity of long duration. [1/12 definitions]
passing of short duration; involving little or brief attention; fleeting. [1/6 definitions]
period a duration of time marked by the recurrence of a particular event. [1/8 definitions]
perpetuity an eternal or unlimited duration. [1/4 definitions]
quarter note in music, a note whose duration is one fourth that of a whole note.
rule the term or duration of governance; tenure. [1/13 definitions]
short of little duration; brief. [1/16 definitions]
short-lived having a short life or duration.
standing the time throughout which something has continued or existed; duration. [1/7 definitions]
temporary of brief or limited duration; impermanent. [1/2 definitions]
tense2 in grammar, a category of verb inflections that indicate time and duration of an action or state, such as past tense, future tense, and present tense. [1/2 definitions]
time to record the rate or duration of. [1/15 definitions]
tone a sound with reference to its pitch, strength, or duration. [1/10 definitions]
transient brief in duration; transitory or temporary. [1/4 definitions]