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delinquency failure to bear one's responsibilities; dereliction of duty or failure to meet a legal requirement. [1/3 definitions]
delinquent neglectful of a duty or guilty of an offense or violation of the law. [1/4 definitions]
devil's advocate an official of the Roman Catholic Church whose duty is to raise objections to a proposed beatification or canonization. [1/2 definitions]
devoir responsibility; obligation; duty. [1/2 definitions]
devolve to pass on (a duty or the like) to one who follows. [2 definitions]
discharge to perform (a duty) or carry out (an obligation or responsibility). [2/17 definitions]
disloyal unfaithful to one's duty or allegiance.
draft the process of selecting persons for compulsory military duty. [1/18 definitions]
dutiable subject to import duty or other taxes.
dutiful displaying or filled with a sense of duty. [1/2 definitions]
duty-free exempt from a duty or tax.
faithful fulfilling one's duty or obligations in life. [1/7 definitions]
fast day a day in which one abstains from eating, esp. as a religious duty.
fatigue manual labor or other duties done by military personnel; fatigue duty. [1/8 definitions]
FCC abbreviation of "Federal Communications Commission," a U.S. agency whose duty is to regulate the various communications industries including telephone, radio and television, and satellites.
feasance in law, doing that which is a duty, condition, obligation, or the like.
Federal Communications Commission a U.S. agency whose duty is to regulate the various communications industries including telephone, radio and television, and satellites.
Federal Trade Commission a U.S. agency whose duty is to investigate and prosecute illegal interstate trade practices such as false advertising and price-fixing.
fire station a building in which firefighting equipment and trucks are kept and at which firefighters are housed or on duty.
FTC abbreviation of "Federal Trade Commission," a U.S. agency whose duty is to investigate and prosecute illegal interstate trade practices such as false advertising and price-fixing.
fulfill to execute or carry out (a duty, command, or the like). [1/4 definitions]